dimarts, 7 de gener del 2014


Nowadays people do a lot of sport. The majority of people go to the gym to keep fit but some of them prefer to go jogging in the park. Others like doing more popular sports, for example: Playing basketball football, tennis or swimming.
When I was younger I played a lot of sports for example: I played tennis, handball, swimming and rhythmic gymnastics. At the moment I don't practise any sport, but I go jogging with my friends.
My brother is a good tennis player and he spends a lot of time practising on the court with his racket and tennis ball. Now he is in Barcelona studying tennis.

I don't have a lot of free time, because -i have to do homework and go to school. When I have time I like lying on the sofa, watching TV... Most of all I like listening to music and playing with my cat. I don't have any special hobby but I like spending time with my friends. When we meet we go for a walk, go to the cinema or just chat. I like making things with my hands, for example collage. This is more or less what I do in my free time.

There are different kinds of media, television, radio, newspaper, magazines, internet... The ones I used the most are television and Internet. I use internet for looking for information or fashion and to talk with my friends. Iuse TV to watch the news because I like to follow the news from around the world I like reading magazines to find out about my favourite celebrities. The thing I don't like about TV is that there are too many adverts, and if a film lasts two hours with the adverts it lasts practically three hours.

I like music very much and I think that everybody in the world likes music. There are a lot of themes and usually the lyrics og the songs talk about feelings, or other different things. There are some that haven't ever got lyrics. There are many different kinds of music, for example: Opera, Rock, Pop Music, Country...These different kinds of music are that people listen to the most. 
Personally I like pop music, I think it's the best, because it mixes a lot of styles together, usually this music is relaxing, and exciting at the same time.

I really like films very much. There are a lot of subjects, for example: comedy films, a love stories, horror films, cartoons, action films, thrillers, war films... I like everything. 
I like watching thrillers because when I watch them I'm exited and they made me think. My favourite films are comedies and romantic films. I don't like being scared but when I'm watching the horror films I'm frightened. 
When I was younger I really like the cartoons, for example: Tom and Jerry, Doraemon...