dimecres, 4 de desembre del 2013


My Music
I don't have a favourite song, but the onces I like at the moment are the new songs of Miley Cyrus, like for example: We can't stop, Decisions, Wrecking ball, and many more. I like Miley a lot because I think she is a very independent girl, and more now that she has changed her style, a change that everybody talks about, because she has changed her musical and personal life. In many interviews that I have seen she says that she has left the past behind and now she is living in a better present, which she enjoys more and she feels proud.

My family and I 
To begin I want to say that my family is very important for me, my mother, my father and my brother.
Apart from these I also consider my pets part of the family because I love them so much too.
Even thought my friends are not part of my family. I consider them part of me and my life because we have been together for a long time. I have known some of them since I was little, but all of them are important for me.
To sum up, I consider myself very lucky to have the family that I have and also to have my friends.

Likes and Deslikes
I don't think I'm a complicated girls, but there are some things that I like and dislike.
 First I will talk about what I like. For example, I have always liked animals because I believe that some animals are better than people. I also like fashinable clothes, since I was little. I liked geology and astrology very much, because I really like the stars and space, and geology because I really like the earth and the things that happen. I like the cinema and more things but if I had to say all the things that I like it would take a long time.
Now I will talk about what I deslike. For example, I hate honey because it makes me feel sick. I don't like being in closed places for example in the lifts. I also dislike people who shout at me and don't agree with me. I hate insects especially spiders and other things too.



I will explain a summary of this film because it's the last film I have seen. It talks about a family that lives in a house. Josh parent's realise that strange things happen to their son. He has nightmares and he can talk to the dead. In this film, Josh, the main character has grown up and he has a son, and this son can go to another world, but it is Josch who still has nightmares. They want to go to a medium called Elise to finish all things. However, she has died recently so Josh's mother, his wife, and Elise's friends decide to do something.
Finally they discover that Josh is possessed and they cure him, but the bad things haven't finished for this family.


My hero is my mother, because she has always worked hard for what she wants. And what she wants and always wanted is to raise me and my brother good. Without asking for anything in return. I am very grateful for have her and I don't think that I can ever pay all the good things she has done, because they're too many. I admire her because she has always been an independent woman who earned money, studies an anything for herself. Although sometimes she drives me crazy, I love her so much.


My animal is the bear. I don't agree because I don't like very much the careers that I have. I would prefer other careers for example. Clothes designer , bussines woman, or others. At the moment I 'm not sure. I agree that the appearance is not always true likes the bear. The bear seens to be a kind animal but really it is dangerous and unfriendly.

Genus and species:
Euarctos Americanus
Collective Term:
A maul of bears

Careers and Hobbies
P.E. Teacher
Outdoor Activities


This summer I had a lot of fun. I did many things with my friends. I often went to the beach. I went to Girona to buy clothes. I haven't been to the swimming pool very much this summer. I had a good time at the parties here. Moreover I also had a good time with my friends when we met.

dimarts, 3 de desembre del 2013

1. Who's the director of this movie Psycho? 
Alfred Hitchcock
2. What type of characters did he often use in horror films? 
 Serial killers. Hitchcock’s frequent exploration of the thin line between sanity and insanity
3.what technique did he use with with the camera?
 Hitchcock’s frequent use of the subjective camera to reveal a character’s vision.

dimarts, 15 d’octubre del 2013


 I don't really know what my dream is, but what I know is that when I am older I want to travel and I want to live in another country. I would like to study social batxillerat. When I amb even older I would like to have a family. A dream that I don't think I will fulfill is to be a clothes designer, but I would like it very much. What I'm really looking forward is to live abroad in the future .