dimecres, 4 de desembre del 2013


My Music
I don't have a favourite song, but the onces I like at the moment are the new songs of Miley Cyrus, like for example: We can't stop, Decisions, Wrecking ball, and many more. I like Miley a lot because I think she is a very independent girl, and more now that she has changed her style, a change that everybody talks about, because she has changed her musical and personal life. In many interviews that I have seen she says that she has left the past behind and now she is living in a better present, which she enjoys more and she feels proud.

My family and I 
To begin I want to say that my family is very important for me, my mother, my father and my brother.
Apart from these I also consider my pets part of the family because I love them so much too.
Even thought my friends are not part of my family. I consider them part of me and my life because we have been together for a long time. I have known some of them since I was little, but all of them are important for me.
To sum up, I consider myself very lucky to have the family that I have and also to have my friends.

Likes and Deslikes
I don't think I'm a complicated girls, but there are some things that I like and dislike.
 First I will talk about what I like. For example, I have always liked animals because I believe that some animals are better than people. I also like fashinable clothes, since I was little. I liked geology and astrology very much, because I really like the stars and space, and geology because I really like the earth and the things that happen. I like the cinema and more things but if I had to say all the things that I like it would take a long time.
Now I will talk about what I deslike. For example, I hate honey because it makes me feel sick. I don't like being in closed places for example in the lifts. I also dislike people who shout at me and don't agree with me. I hate insects especially spiders and other things too.

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